Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act 1916

17Amendment of 5 & 6 Geo.5 c.76 s.1, as to casual vacancies

(1)Where at the date on which, but for the provisions of the Elections and Registration Act, 1915, the next statutory election would have taken place of the members of any council, board of guardians, body, or committee to which section one of that Act applies, or may be applied, there was a vacancy amongst those members, that vacancy may be filled in the manner provided by subsection (2) of section one of that Act, with respect to casual vacancies required to be filled by election ; and any person chosen to fill the vacancy shall hold office in the same manner in all respects as though his predecessor had remained in office until the date when the vacancy was filled.

(2)The Elections and Registration Act, 1915, shall be deemed to have had effect so as to extend by one year in all cases the term of office of an alderman of a municipal borough.

(3)This section shall be deemed to have had effect as from the passing of the Elections and Registration Act, 1915.