Small Holding Colonies (Amendment) Act 1918

1918 Chapter 26

An Act to authorise an increase in the Amount-of Land which may be acquired for the purposes of the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916, and otherwise to amend that Act.

Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :

1Increase in area of land which may be acquired for purposes of s.1 of 6 & 7 Geo.5 c.38.

Subject to the provisions of this section, subsection (3) of section one of the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916 (hereinafter referred to as " the principal Act"), which limits the area of the land which may be acquired by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for the purposes of that section, shall have effect as if forty-five thousand acres were therein substituted for four thousand five hundred acres, twenty thousand acres for two thousand acres, and sixty thousand acres for six thousand acres, provided that for the purposes of the acquisition, equipment, and settlement of the area hereby authorised to be acquired by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board may, as respects any county, with the consent of the council of that county, employ that council as their agents, and vest in them all or any of the powers hereby or by the principal Act conferred upon them, in addition to those vested in such council by virtue of the [8 Edw. 7. c. 36.] Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1908, and paragraph (e) of section eleven of the principal Act, which limits the area of the land which may be acquired by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland for the purposes of the said section one, shall have effect as if twenty thousand acres were therein substituted for .two thousand acres :

Provided that where land which is to be acquired for the purposes of the said section one could not, if this Act had not been passed, have been acquired for that purpose without making the total area of the land for the time being so acquired exceed the amount authorised to be so acquired, the land shall not be acquired otherwise than by taking the same on lease, or by purchasing it in consideration of the grant of a rentcharge or other annual payment, or by taking the same in feu :

Provided also that no portion of the additional land authorised by this Act to be acquired by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries shall be so acquired except after consultation with the chairman of the council of the county in which the land proposed to be acquired is situate, or with a committee of that council.

2Short title and citation.

This Act may be cited as the Small Holding Colonies (Amendment) Act, 1918, and the principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Small Holding Colonies Acts, 1916 and 1918.