FIFTH SCHEDULEComposition of Provincial Legislatures.

Legislative Councils.


The allocation of seats in the Legislative Councils of Provinces having such Councils shall be as shown in the relevant Table of Seats appended to this Schedule.


In the Legislative Council of each Province specified in the first column of the Table of Seats there shall be the number of seats specified in the second column opposite to that Province, and of those seats—


the number specified in the third column shall be general seats;


the numbers specified in the fourth, fifth and sixth columns shall be seats to be filled by persons chosen to represent respectively the Muhammadan community, the European community and the Indian Christian community;


the number specified in the seventh column shall be seats to be filled by persons elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote; and


the number specified in the eighth column shall be seats to be filled by persons chosen by the Governor in his discretion.


A Province, exclusive of any portion thereof which His Majesty in Council may deem unsuitable for inclusion in any constituency or in any constituency of any particular class, shall be divided into territorial constituencies—


for the purpose of electing persons to fill the general seats;


for the purpose of electing persons to fill the Muhammadan seats;


for the purpose of electing persons to fill the European seats;


for the purpose of electing persons to fill the Indian Christian seats, if any,

or, if as respects any class of constituency it is so prescribed, may form one territorial constituency.

In the case of each such class of constituency as aforesaid the total number of seats available shall be distributed between the constituencies by the assignment of one or more of those seats to each constituency.


At an election in a constituency to fill a general seat, persons entitled to vote in a Muhammadan constituency, a European constituency, or an Indian Christian constituency shall not be entitled to vote.

In the case of a Muhammadan constituency, a European constituency, or an Indian Christian constituency no person shall be entitled to vote who is not, as the case may be, a Muhammadan, a European, or an Indian Christian.


The qualifications entitling a person to vote in territorial constituencies at elections of members of a Provincial Legislative Council, and the qualifications to be possessed, by members of such Councils, shall be such as may be prescribed.


The term of office of a member of the Legislative Council of a Province, other than a member chosen to fill a casual vacancy, shall be nine years, but upon the first constitution of the Council the Governor in his discretion shall make by order such provision as he thinks fit, by curtailing the term of office of some of the members then chosen, for securing that, as nearly as may be, one-third of the members holding seats of each class shall retire in every third year thereafter.

A member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall be chosen to serve for the remainder of his predecessor's term of office.