CHAPTER VIProvisions in case of Failure of Constitutional Machinery.
93Power of Governor to issue Proclamations.
If at any time the Governor of a Province is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the government of the Province cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Act, he may by Proclamation—
declare that his functions shall, to such extent as may be specified in the Proclamation, be exercised by him in his discretion;
assume to himself all or any of the powers vested in or exercisable by any Provincial body or authority;
and any such Proclamation may contain such incidental and consequential provisions as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the objects of the Proclamation, including provisions for suspending in whole or in part the operation of any provisions of this Act relating to any Provincial body or authority :
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall authorise the Governor to assume to himself any of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High Court, or to suspend, either in whole or in part, the operation of any provision of this Act relating to High Courts.
Any such Proclamation may be revoked or varied by a subsequent Proclamation.
A Proclamation under this section—
shall be communicated forthwith to the Secretary of State and shall be laid by him before each House of Parliament;
unless it is a Proclamation revoking a previous Proclamation, shall cease to operate at the expiration of six months :
Provided that, if and so often as a resolution approving the continuance in force of such a Proclamation is passed by both Houses of Parliament, the Proclamation shall, unless revoked, continue in force for a further period of twelve months from the date on which under this subsection it would otherwise have ceased to operate, but no such Proclamation shall in any case remain in force for more than three years.
If the Governor, by a Proclamation under this section, assumes to himself any power of the Provincial Legislature to make laws, any law made by him in the exercise of that power shall, subject to the terms thereof, continue to have effect until two years have elapsed from the date on which the Proclamation ceases to have effect, unless sooner repealed or re-enacted by Act of the appropriate Legislature, and any reference in this Act to Provincial Acts, Provincial laws, or Acts or laws of a Provincial Legislature shall be construed as including a reference to such a law.
The functions of the Governor under this section shall be exercised by him in his discretion and no Proclamation shall be made by a Governor under this section without the concurrence of the Governor-General in his discretion.