PART VIIIBaths, Washhouses, Bathing Places, &c.

Public bathing.

231Byelaws with respect to public bathing.

(1)A local authority may make byelaws with respect to public bathing, and may by such byelaws—

(a)regulate the areas in which, and the hours during which, public bathing shall be permitted;

(b)fix the places at which bathing-machines may be stationed, or bathing huts or tents may be erected;

(c)regulate the manner in which bathing-machines, huts or tents may be used, and the charges which may be made for the use thereof;

(d)regulate, so far as decency requires, the costumes to be worn by bathers;

(e)require persons providing accommodation for bathing to provide and maintain life-saving appliances, or other means of protecting bathers from danger; and

(f)regulate, for preventing danger to bathers, the navigation of vessels used for pleasure purposes within any area allotted for public bathing during the hours allowed for bathing.

(2)If and so far as a byelaw made under the preceding subsection is inconsistent with a byelaw made by dock undertakers, the latter shall prevail.

232Provision of bathing huts, and &c.

A local authority may provide huts or other conveniences for bathing on any land belonging to them or under their control, and may make charges for the use thereof.

233Byelaws with respect to swimming baths and bathing pools not under the management of a local authority.

(1)A local authority may make byelaws with respect to swimming baths and bathing pools, whether open or covered, which are not under their management for—

(a)securing the purity of the water therein;

(b)ensuring the adequacy and cleanliness of the accommodation thereat;

(c)regulating the conduct of persons resorting thereto; and

(d)the prevention of accidents :

Provided that this section shall not apply to any swimming bath or bathing pool which is not open to the public and for, or in connection with, the use of which no charge is made.

(2)Byelaws made under this section may require the person responsible for any swimming bath or bathing pool to which the byelaws apply to keep a printed copy of the byelaws exhibited in a conspicuous place on the premises.