
10 Examination of witnesses, production of documents, &c.

For the purposes of this Act, Commissioners shall have the following powers, that is to say:—


They may summon and examine on oath such witnesses as they think fit to call or allow to appear before them;


They may require the production of all books, papers, plans, and documents relating to the matters dealt with in the draft Provisional Order referred to them;


They may, when sitting in open court, report to a judge sitting in the Outer House of the Court of Session or acting as vacation judge any person who has been guilty of contempt of court, and such judge may punish that person as if the contempt had been committed in his own court;


Generally the orders of Commissioners may be enforced as if they had been pronounced by any such judge as aforesaid;


The quorum of the Commissioners shall be three; but any order, summons, or warrant may be signed by one Commissioner only; and


A chairman of Commissioners shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.