PART IUnification of Coal Mining Royalties

Financial provisions

30Commission's accounts and audit thereof


The Commission shall prepare accounts of their transactions in respect of the period between the date of the passing of this Act and the thirty-first day of March next following and of each subsequent period of twelve months (each of which periods shall be deemed to be a financial year of the Commission) in such form and manner as the Board of Trade, with the approval of the Treasury, may direct, and shall transmit the accounts to the Board of Trade at such time as the Board, with the approval of the Treasury, may direct.


The Board shall, on or before the thirtieth day of November in each year transmit to the Comptroller and Auditor General the accounts prepared by the Commission under the preceding subsection for their financial year last ended, and the Comptroller and Auditor General shall examine and certify them and lay copies thereof, together with his report thereon, before both Houses of Parliament.