PART IUnification of Coal Mining Royalties

Provisions as to registration, valuation, &c

37Extension of time limit on applications for registration in respect of which costs are to be payable

The period specified in sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 5 of the Second Schedule to the Registration Act as the period within which applications for registration of particulars in respect of a holding must be made in order for such costs as are therein mentioned to be payable shall be extended so as to terminate (without prejudice to the provisions of that sub-paragraph as to cases in which sufficient cause is shown for no application having been made within the specified period) on the valuation date, or, in the case of a holding coming into existence within six months before that date, at the expiration of six months from its coming into existence, or, in the case of a holding constituted by virtue of rules made under paragraph 2 of the Third Schedule to this Act, on such later date as may be prescribed :

Provided that this section shall not have effect in relation to a holding that is ultimately certified to have no value.