Fire Authorities.

12Discharge of functions of fire authorities through other fire authorities or persons.

(1)A fire authority may make arrangements with any other fire authority or other persons who maintain a fire brigade so as to secure, by the provision of services by the other fire authority or persons, the discharge of all or any of the first-mentioned fire authority's functions under, this Act in respect of all or any part of its area, and arrangements under this subsection may make provision with respect to the terms as to payments or otherwise on which the services in question are to be provided:

Provided that no arrangements shall take effect under this subsection unless submitted to and approved by the Secretary of State.

(2)Where any fire authority have requested another fire authority to enter into arrangements under the last foregoing subsection, and the other fire authority are unwilling to do so, or the authorities cannot agree as to the extent of the services to be provided under such arrangements or the terms on which they are to be provided, the first-mentioned authority may request the Secretary of State to determine what arrangements, if any, should be made for the provision of services by the other fire authority.

(3)Where in the case of any fire authority no arrangements approved by the Secretary of State under subsection (1) of this section are in force and it appears to the Secretary of State expedient with a view to securing greater efficiency or economy that it is for consideration whether such arrangements should be entered into with any other authority, he may give notice to the authorities accordingly.

(4)Where a request is made to the Secretary of State under subsection (2) of this section, or notice is given by the Secretary of State under the last foregoing subsection, he shall afford an opportunity to the fire authorities concerned to make representations and, if he thinks fit or if any of those authorities request him so to do, shall cause a public local inquiry to be held.

(5)If the Secretary of State is satisfied, after considering any representations made under the last foregoing subsection and, if an inquiry is held, the report of the person by whom the inquiry was held, that it is expedient with a view to securing greater efficiency or economy that arrangements should be made for the provision of services as mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, he may direct that the fire authorities shall enter into such arrangements as may be specified in the direction.