5Duty of Minister and Duke as to maintenance.


Subject to the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the Minister of Works to maintain the forecourt of Apsley House in a proper condition, to maintain the whole of the fabric of the exterior of Apsley House in a proper state of repair, and to carry out and maintain such works as are necessary for separating the portions of Apsley House described in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act from the remainder of Apsley House, and for adapting the portions of Apsley House described in the said Part I for use for the purposes specified in the preceding provisions of this Act.


It shall be the duty of the Duke of Wellington for the time being to keep the portions of Apsley, House which he is entitled to occupy in good and tenantable repair, and to maintain the garden of Apsley House in a proper condition as such.


If any of the Dukes of Wellington fails to comply with .the obligation imposed on him by subsection (2) of this section, the Minister of Works, on giving reasonable notice of his intention so to do, may himself do such repairs to the portions of Apsley House mentioned in that subsection, and do such work on the garden, as appear to him to be necessary, and any expenses reasonably incurred by that Minister in so doing shall be recoverable by him from the said Duke.


The Minister of Works, his servants and agents may at all reasonable times enter and inspect the portions of Apsley House which the Duke of Wellington for the time being is entitled to occupy, and the garden of Apsley House.