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Part IIS Agricultural Advisory Committees

1SAn Agricultural Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than two members appointed by the Secretary of State and of twelve other members (hereinafter referred to as “nominated members”) nominated in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule, and appointed by the Secretary of State.

2SThe nominated members shall be persons nominated—

(a)in the case of two members, by the appropriate agricultural college,

(b)in the case of two members, by the county council of the county in which the Committee district is situated, or where that district is situated in two or more counties by the county councils of those counties acting jointly,

(c)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to the Secretary of State to represent the interests of farmers,

(d)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to him to represent the interests of workers employed in agriculture,

(e)in the case of two members, by such organisation as appears to him to represent the interests of owners of agricultural land, and

(f)in the case of two members, by such other organisation or organisation interested in the welfare or development of agriculture as the Secretary of State may think fit to invite to make nominations.

3SIf in relation to any appointment of a nominated member it appears to the Secretary of State that the college, council or organisation concerned have failed, within a reasonable time after he has called upon them by notice in writing so to do, to nominate a person for the appointment, the Secretary of State may, notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Schedule, appoint as the nominated member in question such person as he thinks fit.

4SA Committee shall be deemed to be duly constituted and shall have power to act notwithstanding any vacancy among the members thereof.

5SEach Committee shall appoint a Chairman from among their members, and if they fail to do so within a period of one month from the date of their constitution, the appointment may be made by the Secretary of State.

6SThe term of office of any member of a Committee shall be three years, but a member who ceases to hold office shall, subject to the provisions of this Part of this Schedule as to nomination, be eligible for re-appointment.

7SAny member of a Committee may resign his membership by notice in writing to the Secretary of State.

8SA Committee shall have power to regulate their own procedure, including power to determine the number of persons necessary to form a quorum.

9SThe director of education and the medical officer of health of the county in which a Committee district is situated shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Committee in the capacity of assessors.

10SThe Secretary of State may, with the approval of the Treasury, make such arrangements as appear to him expedient, after consultation with the appropriate agricultural college, for placing at the disposal of a Committee any secretarial and technical assistance which he may consider necessary or desirable.

11SThe expenses up to such amount as may be approved by the Secretary of State incurred by a Committee in carrying out their duties shall be defrayed by the Secretary of State.

12SIn this Schedule the expression “appropriate agricultural college” in relation to any Agricultural Advisory Committee means the agricultural college responsible for agricultural education in that part of Scotland in which the district of the Committee is situated.