PART IVEstate Duty

47Amendment of s. 51 of Finance Act, 1940

In section fifty-one of the Finance Act, 1940 (which relates to the charge for estate duty under the provisions of that Act about companies, and contains provisions for preventing duplication of the charge), there shall be inserted after subsection (1) the following subsection:—

(1A)Where the following conditions are satisfied, that is to say, that the deceased has, within five years before his death, disposed of any shares in or debentures of the company for consideration in money or money's worth paid to him for his own use or benefit, and that any benefits accrued to the deceased from the company by virtue of those shares or debentures or by virtue of a power's having been exercisable by him or with his consent in relation to those shares or debentures, then—

(a)if the value of the said consideration is equal to or greater than the proportion of the value of the company's assets that corresponds to the benefits that so accrued to him, or if the Commissioners are satisfied that the said proportion would not, if fully ascertained, be found to be substantially in excess of the value of the said consideration, duty on the said proportion shall not be payable ;

(b)in any other case, the amount on which duty is to be charged in respect of the said proportion shall be reduced by the amount of the value of the said consideration :

Provided that, in the case of any shares or debentures,—

(i)this subsection shall not apply where estate duty is payable on the death on their value or any part thereof or would be so payable but for an exemption from estate duty; and

(ii)for the purpose of determining to what extent, if any, the disposition of them satisfies the conditions of this subsection, section fifty-six of this Act (which relates to transactions through the medium of a company) shall apply as it applies for the purposes of section three of the Finance Act, 1894.