PART IJurisdiction

Jurisdiction of Northern Ireland Courts

12Contributions under enactments relating to children, national assistance and welfare services


A court of summary jurisdiction in Northern Ireland shall have jurisdiction in proceedings against a person residing in England or Scotland—


for a contribution order under section one hundred and twenty-two of the Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland), 1950 (which provides for the recovery from parents of sums in respect of children and young persons received into care or otherwise dealt with under that Act);


for an order under section twenty of the National Assistance Act (Northern Ireland), 1948, or section eleven of the Welfare Services Act (Northern Ireland), 1949 (which provide for the recovery from spouses or parents of sums in respect of assistance or accommodation given or provided under those Acts).


A court of summary jurisdiction in Northern Ireland shall have jurisdiction in proceedings by or against a person residing in England or Scotland for the variation or rescission of any contribution order made under the said section one hundred and twenty-two.