


PART IVGeneral.

1(1)Any custodian and any person who holds any property to the order of any custodian, on being requested in writing by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or the Special Commissioners so to do, shall furnish to the Commissioners making the request, within such time, not being less than twenty-eight days, as may be specified therein, such particulars as those Commissioners may require for the purpose of enabling any tax or duty to be charged or recovered in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.

(2)If any person other than a custodian fails without reasonable excuse to comply with any request under this paragraph within the time specified in the request he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds and, after judgment has been given for that penalty, to a further penalty of the like amount for every day during which the failure continues.

2In this Schedule the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say,—

3Part I of this Schedule shall be construed as one with the Income Tax Acts, Part II of this Schedule shall be construed as one with Part I of the Finance Act, 1894, and Part III of this Schedule shall be construed as one with the enactments relating to legacy duty and succession duty.