Ancillary Services.

48Medical inspection and treatment of pupils.


It shall be the duty of every local education authority to provide for the medical inspection, at appropriate intervals, of pupils in attendance at any school or county college maintained by them, and every local education authority shall have power to provide for such inspection of senior pupils in attendance at any other educational establishment maintained by them.


For the purpose of securing the proper medical inspection of the pupils in attendance at any such school, college or other educational establishment, any officer of a local education authority authorised in that behalf by the authority may require the parent of any , pupil in attendance at any such school to submit the pupil for medical inspection in accordance with arrangements made by the authority, and may require any pupil in attendance at a county college or other educational establishment maintained by the authority to submit to such medical inspection; and any person who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with any such requirement shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


It shall be the duty of every local education authority to make such arrangements for securing the provision of free medical treatment for pupils in attendance at any school or county college maintained by them as are necessary for securing that comprehensive facilities for free medical treatment are available to them either under this Act or otherwise, and every local education authority shall have power to make such arrangements as aforesaid with respect to senior pupils in attendance at any other educational establishment maintained by them.


It shall be the duty of every local education authority to make arrangements for encouraging and assisting pupils to take advantage of such facilities as aforesaid :

Provided that if the parent of any pupil gives to the authority notice that he objects to the pupil availing himself of any medical treatment provided under this section, the pupil shall not be encouraged or assisted so to do.


A local education authority may give directions to the managers or governors of any voluntary school requiring them to provide such reasonable facilities as may be specified in the directions for the purpose of enabling the authority to carry out their functions under this section so, however, that the managers or governors of a voluntary school shall not be required by any such directions to incur expenditure.

49Provision of milk and meals.

Regulations made by the Minister shall impose upon local education authorities the duty of providing milk, meals and other refreshment for pupils in attendance at schools and county colleges maintained by them ; and such regulations shall make provision as to the manner in which and the persons by whom the expense of providing such milk, meals or refreshment is to be defrayed, as to the facilities to be afforded (including any buildings or equipment to be provided) and as to the services to be rendered by managers governors and teachers with respect to the provision of such milk, meals or refreshment, and as to such other consequential matters as the Minister considers expedient, so, however, that such regulations shall not impose upon teachers at any school or college duties upon days on which the school or college is not open for instruction, or duties in respect of meals other than the supervision of pupils, and shall not require the managers or governors of a voluntary school to incur expenditure.

50Provision of board and lodging otherwise than at boarding schools or colleges.


Where the local education authority are satisfied with respect to any child that primary or secondary education suitable to his age ability and aptitude can best be provided by them for him at any particular county school, voluntary school, or special school, or are satisfied with respect to any young person that further education should in his case be provided by requiring his continuous attendance at a county college, but that such education cannot be so provided unless boarding accommodation is provided for him otherwise than at the school or college, the authority may provide such board and lodging for him under such arrangements as they think fit.


In making any arrangements under this section for any child or young person, a local education authority shall, so far as practicable, give effect to the wishes of the parent of the child or to the wishes of the young person, as the case may be, with respect to the religious denomination of the person with whom he will reside.

51Provision of clothing at schools maintained by local education authorities.

Where it appears to a local education authority that a registered pupil at any school maintained by them is unable by reason of the inadequacy of his clothing to take full advantage of the education provided at the school, the authority may provide him with such clothing as, in the opinion of the authority, is necessary for the purpose of ensuring that he is sufficiently clad while he remains a pupil at the school.

52Recovery of cost of boarding accommodation and of clothing.


Where a local education authority have, under the powers conferred by the foregoing provisions of this Act, provided a pupil with board and lodging otherwise than at a boarding school or college, or with clothing, the authority shall require the parent to pay to the authority in respect thereof such sums, if any, as in the opinion of the authority he is able without financial hardship to pay :

Provided that—


where the board and lodging provided for the pupil were so provided under arrangements made by the local education authority on the ground that in their opinion education suitable to his age ability and aptitude could not otherwise be provided by the authority for him, no sum shall be recoverable in respect thereof under this section ; and


where the board and lodging have been so provided for a pupil in attendance at a county college, the authority, if satisfied that the pupil is in a financial position to pay the whole or any part of a sum recoverable from the parent under this section, may recover that sum or that part thereof from the pupil instead of from the parent.


The sums recoverable under this section shall not exceed the cost to the local education authority of providing the board and lodging, or the cost of the clothing provided, as the case may be.


Any sums payable by virtue of this section may be recovered summarily as a civil debt

53Provision of facilities for recreation and social and physical training.


It shall be the duty of every local education authority to secure that the facilities for primary secondary and further education provided for their area include adequate facilities for recreation and social and physical training, and for that purpose a local education authority, with the approval of the Minister, may establish maintain and manage, or assist the establishment, maintenance, and management of camps, holiday classes, playing fields, play centres, and other places (including playgrounds, gymnasiums, and swimming baths not appropriated to any school or college), at which facilities for recreation and for such training as aforesaid are available for persons for whom primary secondary or further education is provided by the authority, and may organise games, expeditions and other activities for such persons, and may defray or contribute towards the expenses thereof.


A local education authority, in making arrangements for the provision of facilities or the organisation of activities under the powers conferred on them by the last foregoing subsection shall, in particular, have regard to the expediency of co-operating with any voluntary societies or bodies whose objects include the provision of facilities or the organisation of activities of a similar character.


The Minister may make regulations empowering local education authorities to provide for pupils in attendance at any school or county college maintained by them such articles of clothing suitable for the physical training provided at the school or college as may be prescribed.


Sections one and two of the [1 Edw. 8. and 1 Geo. 6. c. 46.] Physical Training and Recreation Act, 1937 (which relate to National Advisory Councils and local committees and sub-committees for the promotion of physical training), and so much of section three of that Act as relates to the grants committee, to recommendations of that committee, and to consultation with such Councils as aforesaid, shall cease to have effect.

54Power to ensure cleanliness.


A local education authority may, by directions in writing issued with respect to all schools maintained by them or with respect to any of such schools named in the directions, authorise a medical officer of the authority to cause examinations of the persons and clothing of pupils in attendance at such schools to be made whenever in his opinion such examinations are necessary in the interests of cleanliness ; and if a medical officer of a local education authority has reasonable cause to suspect that the person or clothing of a pupil in attendance at any county college is infested with vermin or in a foul condition, he may cause an examination thereof to be made.


Any such examination as aforesaid shall be made by a person authorised by the local education authority to make such examinations, and if the person or clothing of any pupil is found upon such an examination to be infested with vermin or in a foul condition, any officer of the authority may serve upon the parent of the pupil, or in the case of a pupil in attendance at a county college upon the pupil, a notice requiring him to cause the person and clothing of the pupil to be cleansed.


A notice served under the last foregoing subsection shall inform the person upon whom it is served that unless within the period limited by the notice, not being less than twenty-four hours after the service thereof, the person and clothing of the pupil to whom the notice relates are cleansed to the satisfaction of such person as may be specified in the notice the cleansing thereof will be carried out under arrangements made by the local education authority; and if, upon a report being made to him by that person at the expiration of that period, a medical officer of the authority is not satisfied that the person and clothing of the pupil, have been properly cleansed, the medical officer may issue an order directing that the person and clothing of the pupil be cleansed under such arrangements.


It shall be the duty of the local education authority to make arrangements for securing that any person or clothing required under this section to be cleansed may be cleansed (whether at the request of a parent or pupil or in pursuance of an order issued under this section) at suitable premises by suitable persons and with suitable appliances; and where the council of any county district in the area of the authority are entitled to the use of any premises or appliances for cleansing the person or clothing of persons infested with vermin, the authority may require the council to permit the authority to use those premises or appliances for such purposes upon such terms as may be determined by agreement between the authority and the council or, in default of such agreement, by the Minister of Health.


Where an order has been issued by a medical officer under this section directing that the person and clothing of a pupil be cleansed under arrangements made by a local education authority, the order shall be sufficient to authorise any officer of the authority to cause the person and clothing of the pupil named in the order to be cleansed in accordance with arrangements made under the last foregoing subsection, and for that purpose to convey him to, and detain him at, any premises provided in accordance with such arrangements.


If, after the cleansing of the person or clothing of any pupil has been carried out under this section, his person or clothing is again found to be infested with vermin or in a foul condition at any time while he is in attendance at a school maintained by a local education authority or at a county college, and it is proved that the condition of his person or clothing is due to neglect on the part of his parent, or in the case of a pupil in attendance at a county college to his own neglect, the parent or the pupil, as the case may be, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty shillings.


Where a medical officer of a local education authority suspects that the person or clothing of any pupil in attendance at a school maintained by the authority or at any county college is infested with vermin or in a foul condition, but action for the examination or cleansing thereof cannot immediately be taken, he may, if he considers it necessary so to do either in the interest of the pupil or of other pupils in attendance at the school or college, direct that the pupil be excluded from the school or college until such action has been taken ; and such a direction shall be a defence to any proceedings under this Act in respect of the failure of the pupil to attend school or to comply with the requirements of a college attendance notice, as the case may be, on any day on which he is excluded in pursuance of the direction, unless it is proved that the issue of the direction was necessitated by the wilful default of the pupil or his parent,


No girl shall be examined or cleansed under the powers conferred by this section except by a duly qualified medical practitioner or by a woman authorised for that purpose by a local education authority.

55Provision of transport and other facilities.


A local education authority shall make such arrangements for the provision of transport and otherwise as they consider necessary or as the Minister may direct for the purpose of facilitating the attendance of pupils at schools or county colleges or at any course or class provided in pursuance of a scheme of further education in force for their area, and any transport provided in pursuance of such arrangements shall be provided free of charge.


A local education authority may pay the reasonable travelling expenses of any pupil in attendance at any school or county college or at any such course or class as aforesaid for whose transport no arrangements are made under this section.

56Power to provide primary and secondary education otherwise than at school.

If a local education authority are satisfied that by reason of any extraordinary circumstances a child or young person is unable to attend a suitable school for the purpose of receiving primary or secondary education, they shall have power with the approval of the Minister to make special arrangements for him to receive such education otherwise than at school.

57Duty of local education authorities to report to local authorities under 3 and 4 Geo. 5. c. 28 in certain cases.


If it appears to the local education authority that any child in their area who has attained the age of two years is suffering from a disability of mind of such a nature or to such an extent as to make him incapable of receiving education at school, it shall be the duty of the authority by notice in writing served upon the parent of the child to require the parent to submit him for examination by a medical officer of the authority; and if a parent upon whom such a notice is served fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements thereof, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Before any child is so medically examined as aforesaid, the authority shall cause notice to be given to the parent of the time and place at which the examination will be held, and the parent shall be entitled to be present at the examination if he so desires.


If, after considering the advice given with respect to any child by a medical officer in consequence of any such medical examination as aforesaid and any reports or information which the local education authority are able to obtain from teachers or other persons with respect to the ability and aptitude of the child, the authority decide that the child is suffering from a disability of mind of such a nature or to such an extent as to make him incapable of receiving education at school, it shall be the duty of the authority to issue to the local authority for the purposes of the [3 & 4 Geo. 5. c. 28.] Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, a report that the child has been found incapable of receiving education at school:

Provided that, before issuing such a report with respect to any child, the local education authority shall give to the parent of the child not less than fourteen days' notice in writing of their intention to do so, and if within that period the parent refers to the Minister the question whether such a report should be issued, the report shall not be issued except by direction of the Minister.


For the purposes of this section, a child shall be deemed to be suffering from a disability of mind of such a nature and extent as to make him incapable of receiving education at school not only if the nature and extent of his disability are such as to make him incapable of receiving education, but also if they are such as to make it inexpedient that he should be educated in association with other children either in his own interests or in theirs.


If the local education authority are satisfied that any child in attendance at a school maintained by them or at any special school not so maintained is suffering from a disability of mind of such a nature or to such an extent that he will, in their opinion, require supervision after leaving school, the authority shall before the child ceases to be of compulsory school age issue to the local authority for the purposes of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, and to the parent of the child, a report that by reason of a disability of mind the child may require supervision after leaving school.


Any report with respect to a child issued under this section to a local authority for the purposes of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, shall be accompanied by such records and other information relating to the child as may be prescribed; and upon receiving such a report it shall be the duty of that authority to consider whether the person in respect of whom the report was issued ought to be dealt with under that Act.

Employment of Children and Young Persons.

58Adaptation of enactments relating to the employment of children or young persons.

For the purposes of any enactment relating to the prohibition or regulation of the employment of children or young persons, any person who is not for the purposes of this Act over compulsory school age shall be deemed to be a child within the meaning of that enactment.

59Power of local education authorities to prohibit or restrict employment of children.


If it appears to a local education authority that any child who is a registered pupil at a county school, voluntary school, or special school, is being employed in such manner as to be prejudicial to his health or otherwise to render him unfit to obtain the full benefit of the education provided for him, the authority may, by notice in writing served upon the employer, prohibit him from employing the child, or impose such restrictions upon his employment of the child as appear to them to be expedient in the interests of the child.


A local education authority may, by notice in writing served upon the parent or employer of any child who is a registered pupil at a county school, voluntary school, or special school, require the parent or employer to provide the authority, within such period as may be specified in the notice, with such information as appears to the authority to be necessary for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain whether the child is being employed in such a manner as to render him unfit to obtain the full benefit of the education provided for him.


Any person who employs a child in contravention of any prohibition or restriction imposed under subsection (1) of this section, or who fails to comply with the requirements of a notice served under subsection (2) of this section, shall be guilty of an offence against this section and liable on summary conviction, in the case of a first offence to a fine not exceeding one pound, in the case of a second offence to a fine not exceeding five pounds, and in the case of a third or subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding ten pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Subsection (1) and subsection (3) of section twenty-eight of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (which relate to powers of entry for the enforcement of the provisions of Part II of that Act with respect to the employment of children) shall apply with respect to the provisions of any notice served under this section as they apply with respect to the provisions of the said Part II.

60Effect of college attendance notices on computation of working hours.


Where a young person is employed in any employment with respect to which a limitation upon the number of working hours during which he may be employed in that employment otherwise than by way of overtime in any week is imposed by or under any enactment, any period of attendance at a county college required of him during that week by a college attendance notice served on him shall, for the purposes of the limitation, be deemed to be time during which he has been so employed in that week.


Where a young person employed in any employment is entitled by or under the provisions of any enactment or of any agreement to overtime rates of pay in respect of any time during which he is employed in that employment on any day or in any week in excess of any specified number of hours or before or after any specified hour, any period of attendance at a county college required of him during that week or on that day by a college attendance notice served on him shall, for the purposes of those provisions, be deemed to be a period during which he was employed in that employment otherwise than in excess of the specified number of hours, or otherwise than before or after the specified hour, as the case may be.

Miscellaneous Provisions.

61Prohibition of fees in schools maintained by local education authorities and in county colleges.


No fees shall be charged in respect of admission to any school maintained by a local education authority, or to any county college, or in -respect of the education provided in any such school or college.


Subject as hereinafter provided, where any pupil in attendance at any such school or college is provided at the school or college with board and lodging at the expense of the local education authority, fees shall be payable in respect of the board and lodging not exceeding such amounts as may be determined in accordance with scales approved by the Minister:

Provided that—


where the board and lodging provided 'for the pupil are so provided under arrangements made by the local education authority on the ground that, in their opinion, education suitable to his age ability and aptitude cannot otherwise be provided by the authority for him, the authority shall remit the whole of the fees payable under this subsection ; and


where the local education authority are satisfied that payment of the full fees payable under this subsection would involve financial hardship to the person liable to pay them, the authority shall remit such part of the fees as they consider ought to be remitted in order to avoid such hardship, or, if in the opinion of the authority such hardship cannot otherwise be avoided, shall remit the whole of the fees.


Any sums payable under the last foregoing subsection in respect of a pupil shall be payable by his parent, so, however, that where the local education authority are satisfied in the case of any young person in attendance at a county college that his financial circumstances are such that the sums so payable in respect of the board and lodging provided for him ought to be defrayed by him, those sums shall be payable by him instead of by his parent; and any sums so payable shall be recoverable summarily as a civil debt.

62Duties of Minister and of local education authorities as to the training of teachers.


In execution of the duties imposed on him by this Act, the Minister shall, in particular, make such arrangements as he considers expedient for securing that there shall be available sufficient facilities for the training of teachers for service in schools colleges and other establishments maintained by local education authorities, and for that purpose the Minister may give to any local education authority such directions as he thinks necessary requiring them to establish maintain or assist any training college or other institution or to provide or assist the provision of any other facilities specified in the direction.


Where by any direction given under this section a local education authority are required to perform any such functions as aforesaid, the Minister may give such directions to other local education authorities requiring them to contribute towards the expenses incurred in performing those functions as he thinks just.

63Exemption from building byelaws of buildings approved by the Minister.


Section seventy-one of the [26 Geo. 5. and 1 Edw. 8. c. 49.] Public Health Act, 1936 (which provides for the exemption of certain buildings from building byelaws) shall have effect as if for paragraph (a) thereof there were substituted the following paragraph :—


any buildings required for the purposes of any school or other educational establishment erected or to be erected according to plans which have been approved by the Minister of Education.


Where plans for any building required for the purposes of any school or other educational establishment are approved by the Minister, he may by order direct that any provision of any local Act or of any byelaw made under such an Act shall not apply in relation to the building or shall apply in relation thereto with such modifications as may be specified in the order.

64Exemption of voluntary schools from rates.

No person shall be liable to pay, in respect of the school premises of any voluntary school, any rate the proceeds of which are applicable to public local purposes, whether directly or by reason of any precept or otherwise, being a rate leviable on the basis of an assessment in respect of the yearly value of property.

65Endowments for maintenance of voluntary schools.

Where any sums which accrue after the date of the commencement of this Part of this Act in respect of the income of any endowment are required by virtue of the provisions of any trust deed to be applied towards the maintenance of a school which a local education authority are required to maintain as a voluntary school, the said sums shall not be payable to the local education authority, but shall be applied by the managers or governors of the school towards the discharge of their obligations, if any, with respect to the maintenance of the school, or in such other manner, if any, as may be determined by a scheme for the administration of the endowment made after the date of the commencement of this Part of this Act.

66Power of local education authorities to assist governors of aided secondary schools in respect of liabilities incurred before commencement of Part II.

A local education authority shall have power, so far as may be authorised by arrangements approved by the Minister, to make grants to the governors of any aided secondary school for the purpose of helping them to discharge any liability incurred, before the date of the commencement of this Part of this Act, by them or on their behalf or by or on behalf of any former managers or governors of the school or any trustees thereof, for the purposes of establishing or carrying on the school.

67Determination of disputes and questions.


Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, any dispute between a local education authority and the managers or governors of any school with respect to the exercise of any power conferred or the performance of any duty imposed by or under this Act, may, notwithstanding any enactment rendering the exercise of the power or the performance of the duty contingent upon the opinion of the authority or of the managers or governors, be referred to the Minister; and any such dispute so referred shall be determined by him.


Any dispute between two or more local education authorities as to which of them is responsible for the provision of education for any pupil, or whether contributions in respect of the provision of education for any pupil are payable under this Act by one local education authority to another, shall be determined by the Minister.


Where any trust deed relating to a voluntary school makes provision whereby a bishop or any other ecclesiastical or denominational authority has power to decide whether the religious instruction given in the school which purports to be in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed does or does not accord with those provisions, that question shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed.


If any question arises whether any alterations to the school premises of a county school or a voluntary school would amount to the establishment of a new school, that question shall be determined by the Minister.

68Power of Minister to prevent unreasonable exercise of functions.

If the Minister is satisfied, either on complaint by any person or otherwise, that any local education authority or the managers or governors of any county or voluntary school have acted or are proposing to act unreasonably with respect to the exercise of any power conferred or the performance of any duty imposed by or under this Act, he may, notwithstanding any enactment rendering the exercise of the power or the performance of the duty contingent upon the opinion of the authority or of the managers or governors, give such directions as to the exercise of the power or the performance of the duty as appear to him to be expedient.

69Powers of Minister as to medical examinations and inspections.


The Minister may make regulations as to the conduct of medical examinations and medical inspections for the purposes of this Act, and such regulations may, in particular, make provision requiring that any class of such examinations or inspections shall be conducted by duly qualified medical practitioners having such special qualifications or experience as may be prescribed, or shall be conducted by a duly qualified medical practitioner selected with the approval of the Minister.


Where any question is referred to the Minister under this Part of this Act, then, if in the opinion of the Minister the examination of any pupil by a duly qualified medical practitioner appointed for the purpose by him would assist the determination of the question referred to him, the Minister may by notice in writing served on the parent of that pupil, or if that pupil is in attendance at a county college upon him, require the parent to submit him, or require him to submit himself, as the case may be, for examination by such a practitioner; and if any person on whom such a notice is served fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements thereof, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds.