Schedule of FEES or DUES (referred to in this Act) to be paid into the Fee Fund in lieu of the Fees presently payable to the Inner and Outer House Assistant Clerks, Clerks of the Teind Court, Clerks of the Bills, and Auditor

The Fees in the preceding Schedule to apply to all Causes and Proceedings in the Court of Session and Court of Commissioners for Teinds, and also to Jury Causes; but shall not apply to Maritime or Consistorial Causes, nor to Applicants for the Benefit of the Poor's Roll, or Persons pursuing or defending in forma pauperis, nor to any Proceedings which are at present exempt from Fees by any Act of Parliament now in force.
Original Petitions, and Petitions and Complaints, or any other Writ or Step by which a Cause is originated; also Answers thereto, or other first Step for a Respondent or other Party; each Paper, printed150
Condescendences, Answers, and revised or amended Condescendences and Answers, with or without Pleas in Law annexed, each Paper, printed100
Cases, and revised or supplementary Cases, each, printed100
Reclaiming Notes, with or without Appendices, also Petitions and Answers, not being first Steps, each, printed100
Notes to the Lord President and Answers thereto, Minutes and Answers thereto, each, printed50
Notes of additional or supplementary Pleas in Law76
Each other Step or Pleading in the Inner House, not enumerated in this Schedule, printed100
Summonses of every Kind, and Defences thereto; also Letters or Notes of Suspension or Advocation, and any other Writ, Pleading, or Step whereby a Cause is originated or by which a Party first makes Appearance in any Cause, each100
Reasons, or revised or amended Reasons, of Suspension or Advocation, and Answers or revised and amended Answers thereto, with or without Notes of Pleas in Law annexed, each50
Condescendence and Answers, revised or amended Condescendence, and revised or amended Answers, with or without Notes of Pleas in Law annexed, each50
Notes of additional or supplementary Pleas in Law50
Inventories to satisfy Production, and Inventories of Titles in Teind Causes, each50
Cases, and revised or supplementary Cases76
Minutes and Answers thereto, Notes and Answers thereto, each26
Objections, revised Objections, Answers and revised Answers thereto, each26
Condescendence and Claims or Interests in Multiplepoindings, Rankings, &c, and revised ditto, where the Sum claimed is upward of 10l., each (No Charge where for 10l. or under.)26
Each other Step or Pleading in the Outer House, not enumerated in this Schedule76
Bills or Notes of Suspension or Advocation, Suspension and Interdict, and Answers thereto, or other original Application or first Step, except Plack Bills, each50
Bills for loosing Arrestments and Answers thereto, Notes and Answers thereto, each26
Accounts of Expences, each (see "Miscellaneous Papers")26
Bonds of Caution on being taken out26
Certificates or Extracts of Judgment26
Decrees of Locality (instead of 4l. 13s. 4d. presently paid to the Teind Clerks, besides other Fees)400
Decrees of Valuation (instead of 7l. 4s. 6d. presently paid to the Teind Clerks, besides other Fees)400
All other Decrees, if in Foro150
Decrees in Absence, Acts, Abbreviates of Adjudication, Diligences, and Protestations, each106
Certified Copy of Proceedings for Appeal to the House of Lords400
Certified Copy of Pleadings or Interlocutors by a Principal Clerk or his Assistant26
Oaths of Parties, Witnesses, or Havers, if in Presence of a Lord Ordinary or the Inner House, each26
if on Commission10
Bonds of Judicial Caution, on being taken out100
Prepared States and Schemes, printed150
Memorials and Abstracts100
Minutes of Election of a common Agent26
For printed additional Appendices or other Papers, boxed for the Judges of the Inner House, not being Pleadings in the Cause, each26
Notes for Searches, if under Ten Years from the Date of the Order, each Search26
10 Years and under 2576
25 Years and upwards126
for extracted Processes in the Teind Record50
Accounts of Expences50
And in lieu of the Auditor s Fees at present payable, the following Rates;—
Accounts under 10l.26
10l. and under 20l.50
20l. and under 50l.76
50l. and under 100l.100
100l. and under 150l.150
150l. and under 200l.200
200l. and under 300l.300
300l. and under 500l.400
500l. and under 600l.600
And for Accounts exceeding 600l. the Fee to be increased at the Rate of 5s. for every 100l. or Part of 100l.