27 Teind clerks, extracts, accounts, &c.

The provisions and regulations for abridging the form of extracting degrees of the Court of Session contained in the M1said recited Court of Session Act 1810 and in this Act shall be and the same are hereby extended and applied to extracts of acts and decreets pronounced by the court of commissioners for teinds except in processes of valuation of teinds and other cases where full extracts may be required by the parties; and the provisions and regulations which are or may be applicable to auditing of accounts of expences in the Court of Session by the auditor of court shall be and the same are hereby extended and applied to accounts of expences in the court of commissioners for teinds, which shall be subject to be audited and taxed by the said auditor in like manner as accounts of expences in the Court of Session; and the business of the teind office shall in other respects continue as at present: Provided always, that in those cases in which the clerk of teinds may be appointed by remit from the court or lord ordinary, or may be employed by any party or parties in a cause, to act as an accountant, or in the preparation of states, schemes, or calculations for regulating or adjusting the rights of parties, the charges to be made by the clerk of teinds shall be regulated according to the time and labour in each particular case, but subject to the review and taxation of the auditor of the Court of Session in like manner as accounts of expences; and the emoluments arising from such remits to or employment of and charges by the said clerk of teinds shall belong to such clerk of teinds: Provided further, that it shall be competent to the court or lord ordinary, wherever it shall appear necessary for the due despatch of business, to make such remits to act as aforesaid to any other properly qualified person; and that it shall be competent to the parties, by mutual agreement, to employ any person whom they shall think proper to act as aforesaid, except in the preparation of schemes of locality: Provided also, that the said depute clerk of teinds shall continue to discharge the duty of extracting acts and decreets pronounced by the court of commissioners for teinds, and shall receive payment for preparing the same at the rate of F22½p for each page of one hundred and fifty words, and F25p for each page of states or schemes in figures, without any further charge for printing or stationery, the party ordering the first extract paying as aforesaid for each page both of the copy given out and of the record copy.