IXTreasury may direct Savings in any Class to be applied at the End of the Year in aid of other Classes.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Saving or Surplus shall arise in any Quarter in respect of any Money appropriated for defraying the Charges of any particular Class, so as that the Sum appropriated thereto shall be more than sufficient for the full and complete Payment of the Charges thereon, such quarterly Saving or Surplus shall in every such Case be carried forward in the Exchequer to the Account and Credit and be applied for the Purposes of the Class in which it shall have arisen, until the Thirty-first Day of December in every Year ; and whenever any such Saving, or Surplus remaining at the End of the Year shall have arisen in any of the Classes of the Civil List, then it shall be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being, or any Three or more of them, to direct the same to be applied in aid of the Charges or Expences of any other Class (except the Fifth Class), or of any Charge or Charges upon Her Majesty's Civil List Revenues, in such Manner as may, under the Circumstances, appear to be most expedient: Provided always, that the Charge upon the Fifth Class shall in no Case exceed the Sum by this Act limited for that Class.