XVIProviding for Issue to Marquis Camden under 59 G.3 C. 43.
And whereas it is expedient to make further Provision for carrying into effect an Act passed in the Fifty-ninth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to authorize the Receipt and Appropriation of certain Sums, voluntarily contributed by the Most Noble John Jeffreys Marquis Camden in aid of the Public Service; be it therefore enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, to. direct the Payment to the said Marquis Camden, out of the Consolidated Fund, of such Amount or Sum of Money, quarterly and every Quarter, as shall be equal to the Amount of Fees due to the said Marquis Camden on the quarterly Issues which shall be made under the Authority of this Act.