Holding of market, &c.

And with respect to the holding of the market or fair, and the protection thereof, be it enacted as follows:

12 Before the market or fair shall be opened, notice to be given by undertakers.

Before the market or fair shall be opened for public use the undertakers shall give not less than ten days’ notice of the time when the same will be opened, and such notice shall be given by the publication thereof in some newspaper circulating within the limits of the special Act, and by printed handbills posted on some conspicuous place within those limits.

13C1†Sales elsewhere than in markets prohibited under a penalty not exceeding 40s.

After the market place is opened for public use every person other than a licensed hawker who shall sell or expose for sale in any place within the prescribed limits, except in his own dwelling place or shop, any articles in respect of which tolls are by the special Act authorized to be taken in the market, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding F1level 1 on the standard scale.

14 Market days.

After the market place or place for fairs is opened for public use the undertakers shall hold markets and fairs therein on the prescribed days (if any), and on such other days as the undertakers shall appoint from time to time by any byelaw to be made in pursuance of this or the special Act.

15 Penalty for selling or exposing for sale unwholesome meat, &c. Penalty on obstructing inspector.

Every person who shall sell or expose for sale any unwholesome meat or provisions in the market or fair shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding F3level 1 on the standard scale for every such offence; and any inspector of provisions appointed by the undertakers may seize such unwholesome meat or provisions, and carry the same before a justice, and thereupon such proceedings shall be had as are herein-after directed to be had in the case of any cattle or carcase seized in any slaughter-house and carried before a justice; and every person who shall obstruct or hinder the inspector of provisions from seizing or carrying away such unwholesome meat or provisions shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding F3level 1 on the standard scale for every such offence.

16 Penalty for obstructing market or fair keeper.

Every person who shall assault or obstruct any person appointed by the undertakers to superintend the market or fair, or to keep order therein, whilst in the execution of his duty, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding F2level 1 on the standard scale.