
C1C273 Where officer about to abscond, a warrant may be issued in the first instance.

Provided always, that if any commissioner, or other person acting on behalf of the commissioners, shall make oath that he has good reason to believe, upon grounds to be stated in his deposition, and that he does believe, that it is the intention of any such officer as aforesaid to abscond, the justice or the sheriff before whom the complaint is made may, instead of issuing his summons, issue his warrant for bringing such officer before such two justices as aforesaid, if the warrant be issued by a justice, or before such sheriff, if the warrant be issued by him; but no person executing such warrant shall keep such officer in custody longer than twenty-four hours without bringing him before some justice or the sheriff, according as he may be summoned before the one or the other; and the justice or sheriff before whom such officer may be brought may either discharge such officer, if he think there is no sufficient ground for his detention, or order such officer to be detained in custody so as to be brought before two justices at a time and place to be named in such order, unless such officer give bail to the satisfaction of such justice for his appearance before such justices to answer the complaint of the commissioners.