Accommodation for Custom House Officers
And with respect to the Construction of Works for the Accommodation of the Officers of Customs, be it enacted as follows :
XIVUndertakers to erect Watch-house and Boat-house for Custom House Officers, and keep the same in repair.
The Undertakers, before they shall be entitled to take any Rates in respect of the Harbour, Dock, or Pier, if required so to do by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, or at any Time thereafter when so required, shall erect on a suitable Spot within or near the Harbour, Dock, or Pier, to be approved of by the said Commissioners, and always thereafter maintain a Watch-house and Boat-house for the Use of the Tide Surveyors of the Customs and their Crew of such Size and Materials and in such Manner as shall be approved of by the said Commissioners, and shall also, to the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners, provide from Time to Time a sufficient Number of Huts for the Use of the Officers of Revenue, with all fit and necessary weighing Materials; and shall at all Times keep such Watch-house, Boat-house, Huts, and. weighing Materials in good and sufficient Repair.
XVPenalty on Undertakers neglecting to repair Watch-house, &c.
If at any Time such Watch-house or Boat-house or such Huts or weighing Materials shall be out of repair, or not provided as required by the said Commissioners, and Notice thereof be given to the Undertakers, they shall repair or provide the same to the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners within three Months after such Notice, or in default thereof shall forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds for every Month during which such Watch-house, Boat-house, Huts, or weighing Materials shall continue out of repair or be not provided, such Penalty to be recovered in any of the Superior Courts against the Undertakers as a Debt due to to the Crown, and to be sued for by any Officer of Customs, by the Direction of the said Commissioners.