
And with respect to life-boats, be it enacted as follows:

16 Life-boats, &c. to be provided by undertakers. U.K.

Unless it be provided by the special Act that the undertakers need not provide life-boats, the undertakers, before they shall be entitled to take any rates in respect of the harbour, dock, or pier, shall provide and always thereafter maintain in good repair an efficient and well-appointed life-boat, a Manby’s mortar, and a sufficient supply of Carte’s rockets, or such other mortar and rockets as the Admiralty, by writing under the hand of the Secretary of the Admiralty, shall approve of, with all necessary tackle, and competent crew and proper persons for the effectual working thereof, for the assistance and succour of vessels in distress; and the undertakers shall cause such life-boat, mortar, and rockets to be stationed at or upon the most advanced works of the harbour, dock, or pier, or such other place as the Admiralty shall approve of as aforesaid, and to be used on all necessary occasions.

17 Penalty for not providing life-boat, &c.U.K.

The undertakers shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two pounds for every twenty-four hours during which the said life-boat, mortar, and rockets, or any of them, or the tackle belonging thereto, shall not be provided or maintained and stationed as aforesaid.