Collection of Rates

XLVIIList of Rates to be set up in large and legible Characters.

The Undertakers shall from Time to Time cause to be painted on Boards, or to be printed and attached to Boards, in large and legible Characters, a List of the several Rates for the Time being payable, and shall cause such Boards containing such Lists to be fixed in front of the principal Office of Business of the Undertakers, and on some conspicuous Part of the Quays of the Harbour, Dock, or Pier; and no Rate shall be payable during such Time as such List is not so affixed, nor shall any Rate not specified in such List be payable : Provided always, that if any such List be destroyed, injured, or obliterated, the Rates shall continue payable during such Time as may be reasonably required for the Restoration or Reparation of such List, in the same Manner as if such List had continued affixed and in the State required by this Act.