
XXXIIPower to compound for Tolls payable in respect of Passenger or Pleasure Vessels.

The Undertakers may from Time to Time agree with the Proprietors or Masters of Vessels engaged in transporting Passengers, or with any other Persons using the Dock, Harbour, or Pier, either for Purposes of Business or Pleasure, for the Payment of a fixed Sum, payable in advance, as a Composition, by the Year, or other shorter Period, for the Rates payable by or in respect of such Passengers or their Luggage, or by such other Persons as aforesaid: Provided always, that if the Undertakers at any Time make any such Agreement by way of Composition as aforesaid, the Proprietors or Masters of all other Vessels engaged in like Manner, and all other Persons using or frequenting the Harbour, Dock, or Pier as aforesaid, may compound for the Rates payable by them respectively upon the like Terms as shall be contained in such Agreement, and the Undertakers shall accept such Composition accordingly, to the Intent that such Rates may not be compounded for partially or in favour of any particular Person or Party whatsoever.