Inclosure Act 1848

7 How rates to be raised.U.K.

The rating officer for the time being shall, subject to such orders and instructions in writing as may from time to time be agreed on by the majority in value of the owners of such lands as aforesaid at their yearly meetings, maintain and keep in order the said roads, ways, common ponds, ditches, drains, watercourses, embankments, tunnels, and bridges and shall, for the payment to be made to rating officers, and all expenses in and about the premises, under the directions of any such meeting of owners, from time to time make a rate on the respective owners for such sum as the majority in value of owners present at such meeting shall think requisite; and every such rate shall be apportioned and paid by the owners according to the proportions directed by the award as aforesaid, and shall be paid to the rating officer on demand thereof, and in case the same shall not be paid within fourteen days after demand thereof shall be recoverable by such rating officer by distress; and any such demand or distress may be made of or on the occupier of any such land, as if the occupier were the owner liable to the payment of such rate, and such rate may be paid by any such occupier on demand thereof; and the money so paid by such occupier shall be deemed a payment on account of his rent, and shall be allowed by his landlord accordingly.