5 The owners of land empowered to vest any quantity of land for purposes of these Acts in corporations.

And whereas the absolute owners of land may grant, subject to the regulations and provisions prescribed by the statutes in such behalf, any quantity of such land to trustees, to be held upon charitable purposes; and it would be beneficial that they should be authorized to exercise such power in respect of lands granted for the sites or for the endowment of the last-mentioned schools, or of schools for poor persons, by vesting the same so as to secure it permanently for the purpose of the trust, without the necessity of subsequent renewals of the deeds of trust: where any such person shall be lawfully entitled to convey an estate in land to trustees, to hold the same upon any charitable use, and shall be desirous of conveying the same for the purposes of the Acts herein-before referred to, or this Act, or for the endowment of such schools, such person may grant and convey the same to any corporation or corporations as aforesaid, to be held in trust for such purposes, whatever may be the quantity of land or extent of the estate so to be granted and conveyed.