9 Taxing Officer to report to the clerk of the Parliaments. If either party complain of report, they may deposit a memorial, and the clerk of the Parliaments may require a further report. If no memorial deposited, clerk of the Parliaments may issue certificate of the amount found due.
The said taxing officer shall report his taxation to the clerk of the Parliaments or clerk assistant as aforesaid, and in such report shall state the amount fairly chargeable in respect of such costs, charges, and expences, together with the amount of costs and fees payable in respect of such taxation as aforesaid, and shall also state in such report the amount due in respect of the said costs, charges, and expences; and within twenty-one clear days after any such report shall have been made either party may deposit in the office of the clerk of the Parliaments a memorial, addressed to the clerk of the Parliaments or clerk assistant as aforesaid, complaining of such report or any part thereof, and such clerk of the Parliaments or clerk assistant as aforesaid may, if he shall so think fit, refer the same, together with such report, to the said taxing officer, and may require a further report in relation thereto, and on receiving such further report may direct the said taxing officer, if necessary, to amend his report; and if no such memorial be deposited as aforesaid, or so soon as the matters complained of in any such memorial shall have been finally disposed of, such clerk of the Parliaments or clerk assistant as aforesaid shall, upon application made to him, deliver to the party concerned therein, and requiring the same, a certificate of the amount so ascertained, which certificate shall be binding and conclusive on the parties as to the matters comprised in such taxation, and as to the amount of such costs, charges, and expences, and the amount due in respect of the same, and of the costs and fees payable in respect of such taxation, in all proceedings at law or in equity or otherwise F1. . .. . .:Provided always, that if such defendant shall have pleaded that he is not liable to the payment of such costs, charges, and expences, such certificate shall be conclusive only as to the amount thereof which shall be payable by such defendant in case the plaintiff shall in such action recover the same.