High Peak Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1851

XXXVII Penalty on Jurors for Nonattendance.U.K.

If any Person liable to serve as a Juryman in the Small Barmote Court shall have been duly summoned to attend as a Juror, and shall not attend in pursuance of such Summons, or being thrice called in Court shall not answer to his Name, or if any such Person being present in Court after having been called shall not duly appear, or, after his Appearance, shall wilfully withdraw himself from the Presence of the said Court, or shall refuse to act as a Juryman, it shall be lawful for the said Steward to impose such Penalty, not exceeding Ten Pounds, upon every such Person so making default as to the said Steward shall seem meet, unless some reasonable Excuse shall be given to the Satisfaction of the said Steward, and the Steward shall fix a Day on or before which, and a Person to whom, such Penalty shall be paid; and if such Penalty shall not be paid within the Time ordered by the said Steward, it shall be lawful for the said Steward to issue his Warrant in the Form herein-after mentioned for the levying thereof, with all the Costs and Charges attending such levying; and such Penalty may be imposed in the Absence of the Party making default, and without calling on him to show Cause why it should not be imposed; and it shall be no Objection to the Execution of such Warrant that the Party had no Notice of such Penalty, but if any Person shall think himself aggrieved by the Imposition of such Penalty or the Execution of such Warrant, the Steward may grant him such Relief as to the Steward may seem just.