
CLIBail in Error.

Upon any Judgment hereafter to be given in any of the said Superior Courts of Common Law in any Action, Execution shall not be stayed or delayed by Proceedings in Error, or Supersedeas thereupon, without the special Order of the Court or a Judge, unless the Person in whose Name such Proceedings in Error be brought, with Two, or, by Leave of the Court or a Judge, more than Two sufficient Sureties, such as the Court (wherein such Judgment is or shall be given) or a Judge shall allow of, shall, within Four clear Days after lodging the Memorandum alleging Error, or after the signing of the Judgment, whichever shall last happen, or before Execution executed, be bound unto the Party for whom any such Judgment is or shall be given, by Recognizance to be acknowledged in the same Court, in double the Sum adjudged to be recovered by the said Judgment, (except in case of a Penalty, and in case of a Penalty in double the Sum really due, and double the Costs,) to prosecute the Proceedings in Error with effect, and also to satisfy and pay (if the said Judgment be affirmed, or the Proceedings in Error be discontinued by the Plaintiff therein,) all and singular the Sum or Sums of Money and Costs adjudged or to be adjudged upon the former Judgment, and all Costs and Damages to be also awarded for the delaying of Execution, and shall give Notice thereof to the Defendant in Error, or his Attorney.