IVSale of Land directed to be inclosed. Meeting to consent to Sale.
After the Determination of the Claims in the Matter of any Inclosure, and before the Valuer shall have divided and allotted the Lands to be inclosed, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners, upon the Application in Writing of Persons, the aggregate Amount of whose Interests in the Land proposed to be inclosed shall not be less in Value than Two Thirds of the whole Interest in such Land, and who shall not be less in Number than Two Thirds of the Persons whose Claims have been allowed by the Valuer, and also upon the Application in Writing of the other Persons (if any) whose Consents may be necessary under the Provisions of the herein-before firstly-recited Act, in case the said Commissioners shall be of opinion that the Sale of such Lands in whole or in part, but so nevertheless that the Land so proposed to be sold shall not exceed Fifty Acres, would be expedient, by an Order under their Seal, to authorize the Sale thereof in whole or in part, and thereupon all the Provisions of the. said firstly-recited Act as to the Sale of Land for the Expenses of an Inclosure, the Conveyance thereof, and the Receipt of the Purchase Money shall be applicable to the Sale of such Land: Provided also, that before any such Sale shall be made, it shall be approved of by the Persons Whose Claims have been allowed by the Valuer, at a Meeting convened by the Commissioners for the Purpose of considering the same, and the Majority present at such Meeting shall bind the Minority and all absent Parties.