48 Brompton Cemetery may be sold by direction of the Treasury, and in the meantime used for interments.

The said Commissioners of Works shall and may, in case the said Brompton Cemetery be vested in them by or under this Act, sell and dispose of the same or any part thereof, subject to the rights affecting the same, as the Treasury may direct; and in the meantime, until such sale, the Secretary of State may and shall permit the same to be used for the purposes of interment, upon such terms and conditions as he shall think fit; and the residue of the monies arising from the sale and disposal of the said cemetery, or any part thereof, and in respect of the interments therein, after defraying the expences incident to such sale and to the care and management of the cemetery, until the whole thereof shall be sold and disposed of, shall be paid to the Metropolitan Interments Repayments Account mentioned in the said Act of the last session of Parliament, to be carried to the said Consolidated Fund.