13 Form of grants, &c.U.K.

All grants, conveyances, and assurances of any site for an institution under the provisions of this Act may be made according to the form following, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case will admit; (that is to say, )

“I, or We, [or the corporate title of a corporation,] under the authority of the Literary and Scientific Institutions Act 1854, do hereby freely and voluntarily, and without any valuable consideration, [or do in consideration of the sum of to me, or us, or the said paid,] grant and convey . . . . . . F1 to all [description of the premises], and all my, or our, or the right, title, and interest of the to and in the same and every part thereof, to hold unto and to the use of the said corporation and their successors, or of the said and his or their [heirs or executors or administrators or successors], for the purposes of the said Act, and to be applied as a site for and for no other purpose whatever; such to be under the management and control of [set forth the mode in which and the persons by whom the institution is to be managed and directed; in cases where the land is purchased, exchanged, or demised, usual convenants or obligations for title may be added]. In witness whereof the conveying and other parties have [F2hereunto set their hands and seals [or seals only, as the case may be,] [F2executed this instrument as a deed]] this day of .

[F3Signed, sealed, and delivered [F3Signed and delivered as a deed]] by the said in the presence of , of .” . . . F1