CProvisions relating to Superior Courts to apply to Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham.

All the Enactments and Provisions of this Act not' relating exclusively to the Sittings for Trials of Causes or Issues in Fact at London or Westminster shall extend and apply to the Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and the Court of Pleas at Durham, and Actions and Proceedings therein respectively, subject to the following Modifications: All the Powers given by this Act to the Judges of the said Superior Courts of Common Law at Westminster to make General Rules and Orders shall and may be exercised by the respective Judges of the Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham, being Judges of One of the said Common Law Courts at Westminster, or any Two of them respectively, with respect to the said Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham respectively, and Matters and Proceedings therein within the Jurisdiction of the same Courts respectively; and all Powers under this Act exercisable by any One Judge of the Superior Courts at Westminster shall and may be exercisable by One Judge of the said Superior Courts of the said Counties Palatine, being also a Judge of One of the said Courts at Westminster, as to Matters and Proceedings in the said Superior Courts of the said Counties Palatine.