LIIIOral Examination of Parties, when to be allowed.

In case of Omission, without just Cause, to answer sufficiently such written Interrogatories, it shall be lawful for the Court or a Judge, at their or his Discretion, to direct an oral Examination of the interrogated Party, as to such Points as they or he may direct, before a Judge or Master; and the Court or Judge may by such Rule or Order, or any subsequent Rule or Order, command the Attendance of such Party or Parties before the Person appointed to take such Examination, for the Purpose of being orally examined as aforesaid, or the Production of any Writings or other Documents to be mentioned in such Rule or Order, and may impose therein such Terms as to such Examination, and the Costs of the Application, and of the Proceedings thereon, and otherwise, as to such Court or Judge shall seem just.