1. Introductory Text

  2. I.Process in case of Mines of mixed Minerals.

  3. II.Interpretation of Terms.

  4. III.As to Suits by-Pursers, &c. for Contribution against non-resident Shareholders.

  5. IV.Plaintiff may join several Adventurers in One Petition, &c.

  6. V.As to Suits by Creditors for Payment of Debts of Adventurers in a Mine.

  7. VI.As to Suits for Account between Adventurers.

  8. VII.Process in Suits against non-resident Defendants.

  9. VIII.Service of Process out of Stannaries.

  10. With respect to the Execution of Judgments and Decrees of the Court of the Vice-Warden, be it enacted as follows :

    1. IX.As to Execution of Judgments and Decrees of the Court of the Vice-Warden. Where such Judgments cannot be conveniently enforced Superior Courts may issue Process for Recovery of Amounts due on the same.

    2. X.Execution of Decrees, &c. in Equity Suits in or out of Stannaries.

    3. XI.Interpleader in Equity.

    4. XII.Adjudication to be final.

    5. XIII.Upon Application by Registrar, &c., Action may be stayed.

    6. XIV.Freehold, &c. not to be adjudicated upon without Consent.

    7. XV.Ejectment in the Stannaries.

    8. XVI.Summary Suits for small Debts extended to Torts.

    9. XVII.Removal of certain Causes from the County Court.

    10. XVIII.Pleading to Jurisdiction.

    11. XIX.Power of Registrar on Interlocutory-Applications.

    12. XX.Power for Vice-Warden, with Consent of Parties, to refer Cases to Arbitration.

    13. XXI.Power of Vice-Warden to hold his Court at any Place within the Stannaries for certain Purposes.

    14. XXII.Production of Lists of Shareholders in Mines.

    15. XXIII.Power to make or adopt Rules, Orders, and Practice of Superior Courts of Law or Equity.

    16. XXIV.Provision for Illness or accidental Absent of Vice-Warden.

    17. XXV.Allowances to be made on auditing the Registrar's Accounts.

    18. XXVI.Regulation of Appeals.

    19. XXVII.As to levying and Application of Fines.

    20. XXVIII.Punishment of Frauds by Miners in Devonshire.

    21. XXIX.Vice-Warden to be qualified to act as a Justice of the Peace in the County.

    22. XXX.Parts of Acts repealed.

    23. XXXI.Law Clerk of the Duchy of Cornwall to act as Attorney or Solicitor in all Courts.

    24. XXXII.Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon to be united as to Jurisdiction.

    25. XXXIII.The Vice-Warden to sit in Devonshire when sufficient Funds shall be provided for such Sitting.

    26. XXXIV.Collector in Devonshire.

    27. XXXV.Jurors to be qualified as at Assizes. No Sittings in Devon till Duchy Council or Commissioners shall direct.

    28. XXXVI.Assessment of Mines and Minerals in Devon.

    29. XXXVII.Commitment of Prisoners in Devonshire.

    30. XXXVIII.Provision for the eventual Establishment of a separate Court in Devonshire.