1. Introductory Text

  2. I.Short Title.

  3. II.Parochial Board to carry into Execution this Act.

  4. III.Provision as to Parishes partly burghal.

  5. IV.Proceedings on Complaints of Danger to Health.

  6. V.On Representation of Secretary of State, Her Majesty in Council may restrain the opening of new Burial Grounds, and order Discontinuance of Burials in specified Places.

  7. VI.Penalties.

  8. VII.Order not to extend to Burial Grounds of Quakers or Jews, unless expressly included.

  9. VIII.Saving of certain Eights to bury in Vaults, &c.

  10. IX.Upon Requisition of Ratepayers or Members of Parochial Board, Meeting of Parochial Board to be convened, to determine whether Burial Ground shall be provided.

  11. X.When Burial Grounds are closed by Order in Council, Board to provide suitable Burial Grounds, &c.

  12. XI.Consent of Owners of Houses to new Burial Grounds, where necessary.

  13. XII.Board may purchase Land for Cemeteries, or contract with Cemetery Companies.

  14. XIII.Certain Provisions of 8 & 9 Vict. c.19 incorporated with this Act.

  15. XIV.Parochial Boards may concur in providing a Burial Ground for the common Use of their Parishes.

  16. XV.Burial Ground to be the Burial Ground of the Parish or Parishes for which it is provided.

  17. XVI.Liabilities of old Burial Grounds transferred to new Burial Grounds.

  18. XVII.Management to be rested in Parochial Boards.

  19. XVIII.Boards may sell exclusive Rights of Burial, and Right to erect Monuments, &c.

  20. XIX.Boards may make Arrangements for facilitating the Conveyance of Bodies to Burial Grounds.

  21. XX.Places may be provided for Reception of Bodies until Interment.

  22. XXI.Secretary of State may make Regulations as to Burial Grounds, &c.

  23. XXII.Exemption of Burials from Toll.

  24. XXIII.Board may lay out and embellish Burial Ground.

  25. XXIV.Board to fix Payments for Interments in Burial Ground.

  26. XXV.Certain Provisions of 10 & 11 Vict. c.65 incorporated with this Act.

  27. XXVI.Expenses to be paid by Assessments.

  28. XXVII.Power to borrow Money.

  29. XXVIII.The Public Works Loan Commissioners may advance Money for the Purposes of this Act.

  30. XXIX.Minutes of Proceedings of Board to be entered in a Book. Board to keep Accounts, which shall be open to Inspection.

  31. XXX.Board may appoint and remove Officers, &c.

  32. XXXI.Register of Burials to be kept in every Ground provided under this Act. Registers to be Evidence.

  33. XXXII.Sheriffs' Decisions to be final.