Places of Worship Registration Act 1855

XICertificate of Place having been certified to be given.

The Registrar General, on Payment to him of a Fee of Two Shillings and Sixpence, shall, with respect to any Place certified to him as a Place of Meeting for Religious Worship, the Record whereof remains uncancelled, give to any Person demanding the same a Certificate, sealed or stamped with the Seal of the General Register Office, that at the Time or respective Times in such Certificate in that Behalf stated the Place therein described was duly certified and duly recorded as required by this Act, and that at the Date of such sealed or stamped Certificate the Record of such Certification remained uncancelled ; and every such sealed or stamped Certificate, if tendered in Evidence upon any Trial or other judicial Proceeding in any Civil or Criminal Court, shall be received as Evidence of the said several Facts therein mentioned, without any further or other Proof of the same.