Universities (Scotland) Act 1858

IIIOffices of Principal in Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh not to be deemed "Chairs of Theology".

The Principals in the Universities of Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, appointed in Time to come, shall not, as such, be or be deemed Professors of Divinity, nor shall it be a valid Objection to any Person appointed to the Office of Principal in any of the said Universities that he is a Layman, and no such Office of Principal therein shall fall under or be included in the Terms " Chair of Theology " as used in an [16 & 17 Vict. c. 89.] Act passed in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria (Chapter Eighty-nine), intituled An Act to regulate Admission to the Lay Chairs in the Universities of Scotland.