1. Introductory Text

  2. Ascertaining the Lands to be taken or to be kept free from Buildings

    1. I.Lands to be taken and Lands to be kept free from Buildings to be ascertained by Declaration of Secretary for War.

    2. II.Declaration, what to show.

    3. III.Restriction on taking of certain Descriptions of Property.

    4. IV.Copy of Declaration, &c. to be deposited with Clerks of the Peace, &c.

    5. V.Clerks of the Peace, &c. to receive and hold Copies so deposited as under 7 W.4 & 1 Vict. c.83.

    6. VI.Notices to be affixed on Church Doors.

  3. Notices of Lands required to be taken or to be kept free from Buildings

    1. VII.Notices to Owners, &c. of Land.

    2. VIII.Contents of such Notice.

    3. IX.How Notices to be given.

  4. Determination of the Amount of Compensation by Agreement

    1. X.Amount of Compensation may be determined by Agreement.

    2. XI.Corporations, Tenants for Life, Trustees, Committees, &c. empowered to agree.

  5. Determination of Amount of Compensation otherwise than by Agreement

    1. XII.How Compensation to be settled in case of Neglect to treat.

    2. XIII.Provision where Compensation claimed is under 200l.

    3. XIV.Compensation to absent Parties to be settled by a Surveyor to be appointed by Two Justices.

    4. XV.Surveyor acting corruptly to be guilty of a Misdemeanor.

    5. XVI.Valuation to be preserved and produced on Demand.

    6. XVII.Damage may be ascertained when Works done.

    7. XVIII.In estimating Damage from Works regard to be had to Advantages derived.

    8. XIX.Where any Agreement in restraint of Building exists, regard to be had thereto in estimating Compensation.

  6. Payment and Application of Compensation in certain Cases

    1. XX.Provision for Payment and Application of Compensation Money in certain Cases.

    2. XXI.On Payment into Court of Compensation, an Addition to be made to meet future Expenses.

    3. XXII.Provision for Payment into Court on failure for Three Months after Compensation ascertained to deduce a Title.

    4. XXIII.Orders concerning Money paid into Court may be made at Chambers.

  7. Provisions as to Costs

    1. XXIV.Costs of and incident to Agreements, &c. under this Act to be borne by Secretary of State.

    2. XXV.Provision for Costs when Amount of Compensation is determined by a Jury or Justices.

  8. Apportionment and Release of Rents and Incumbrances

    1. XXVI.Provision for Apportionment of Rents and Incumbrances.

    2. XXVII.Power to release Land from Rentcharge, &c.

    3. XXVIII.. Who competent to make Apportionment, &c.

  9. Power to use "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845"

    1. XXIX.Secretary of State may avail himself of Powers of 8 & 9 Vict. c.18.

  10. Vesting of Lands to be taken absolutely in the Secretary of State and Power of immediate Entry

    1. XXX.Lands taken to be vested in Secretary of State on behalf of Her Majesty.

    2. XXXI.Power to Secretary of State to enter immediately.

    3. XXXII.Interest to be payable until Payment of Compensation Money.

  11. Continuance of Liability to Tithe Rentcharge, Taxes, and Rates

    1. XXXIII.Lands to continue subject to Tithe Rent-charges, Taxes, and Rates.

  12. Restraints and Powers to attach on Lands required to be kept free from Buildings

    1. XXXIV.Restrictions and Powers with respect to Lands required to be kept free from Buildings.

    2. XXXV.Limitation of Time for Works under last preceding Enactment.

  13. Subsequent Compensation for Interests omitted to be purchased

    1. XXXVI.Provision as to Interests omitted to be purchased.

    2. XXXVII.How Value of such Lands to be estimated.

    3. XXXVIII.Secretary of State to pay the Costs of Litigation as to such Lands.

  14. Power to Secretary of State to withdraw Notices

    1. XXXIX.Power to Secretary of State to withdraw Notices.

  15. Power to divert Highways, &c

    1. XL.Power to divert Highways, &c.

    2. XLI.Power to alter the Course of Brooks, &c.

  16. Miscellaneous Provisions

    1. XLII.Compensations to be paid out of Monies provided by Parliament.

    2. XLIII.Protection to Secretary of State.

    3. XLIV.Provision for enforcing Delivery of Possession.

    4. XLV.Notices, &c. required to be served on or given by Secretary of State to be served on or given by the Solicitor.

  17. Amendment of The Defence Act, 1842

    1. XLVI.5 & 6 Vict. c.94 amended as herein stated.

  18. Interpretation

    1. XLVII.Interpretation of Terms.

    2. XLVIII.Short Titles of 5 &6 Vict. c.94, 18 & 19 Vict. c.117, and this Act.