And whereas the said Governor and Company have also heretofore closed, in the Manner and for the Purposes herein-before mentioned, the Books for Transfer of certain Stocks created by the Secretary of State in Council of India, under the Authority of certain Acts of Parliament empowering him in that Behalf, and it is desirable that the Provisions herein-before contained shall extend to the said last-mentioned Stocks likewise : Be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Governor and Company in like Manner to close the Books for the Transfer of the said Stocks so created by the Secretary of State in Council for India as aforesaid respectively, on any Day in the Month preceding that in which the Dividends thereon respectively shall by Law be due, and thereupon the Rights of the Transferor and Transferee respectively to such Dividends shall be the same as is herein-before provided respecting the Transferor and Transferee of Dividends of other Capital Stocks transferable at the Bank of England in the like Case ; provided that the Period for which such Books of Transfer shall be closed shall not exceed Fifteen Days.