PART VIIMaintenance of Ramsgate, Dover, Whitby, and Bridlington Harbours

Dover Harbour

51Power to Corporation of Dover to transfer Dues to Harbour.

The Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dover, herein-after called the Corporation, may at any Time hereafter, by Deed under their Common Seal, transfer to the said Dover Harbour Board, to be applied by them to the Purposes of the Harbour, all or any of their Powers, Bights, and Privileges, whether exercised by them in the Capacity of Corporation or of Local Board of Health, of levying Bates and Dues on Coal, Culm, and Coke imported, and of levying Bates and Dues on Ships or on Goods carried in Ships; and thereupon the said Dover Harbour Board may exercise the Powers, Bights, and Privileges so transferred in as full a Manner as but for such Transfer the said Corporation might have exercised the same.