
PART VIIIMiscellaneous

66Vesting of Property in Board of Trade.

All Lands and Hereditaments heretofore purchased or taken by or in the Name or Names of any Person or Persons, for the Use of the Department of the Board of Trade, and all Lands and Hereditaments hereby transferred to and vested in the Board of Trade, and all Lands and Hereditaments that may hereafter be conveyed to the Board of Trade, or to any other Person or Persons for the Use of the Department of the Board of Trade, shall, upon and after the passing of this Act, vest in the Persons for the Time being constituting the Board of Trade, and upon their vacating their Offices shall be transferred to and vested in their Successors in Office, in a perpetual Succession, and shall be held by such Persons and their Successors in Office on trust for Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for the Public Service.