1 Power to University to make regulations as to professorships named in schedule.
The University of Oxford may make statutes for the regulation of the professorships specified in the schedule annexed hereto in respect of the following matters; that is to say:—
The functions and duties of each of the professors holding the said professorships:
The fees, if any, to be charged for admittance to the lectures of each professor:
The determination of the periods during which each professor is to reside in the University; the authority in whom a power of granting leave of absence is to be vested; and the mode of enforcing the required residence:
The appointment of a temporary substitute for each professor in case of his illness or temporary absence with leave, and of a permanent substitute in case of his being permanently incapacitated by old age or infirmity:
The remuneration of any such temporary or permanent subsitute out of the income of the professor in whose place he is substituted:
The constitution of a court or other authority empowered to admonish and, if necessary, remove a professor guilty of notable negligence or inefficiency in conducting the duties of his office, or of immorality.