Office of Land Registry, Powers of Court of Chancery, and Miscellaneous
108Establishment of Office of Land Registry.
An Office, to be called the Office of Land Registry, shall be established, and the Business of such Office shall be conducted by a Registrar, with the Aid of such Number of Assistant Registrars not exceeding Three, Examiners of Title, Clerks, Messengers, and Servants as the Lord Chancellor may fix with the Consent of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.
109Appointment of Registrar.
The Registrar shall be a Serjeant-at-Law or Barrister of Ten Years standing at least: He shall be appointed by Her Majesty by Letters Patent, and shall hold his Office during good Behaviour: Upon any Vacancy occurring in the Office of Registrar, Her Majesty may, by Letters Patent, appoint a Person to fill such Vacancy.
110Appointment of Assistant Registrars and Examiners of Title.
The Assistant Registrars and Examiners of Title shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor, and may be removed by him for Negligence, Want of Skill, Untrustworthiness, or Inability to perform their Duties; the Clerks shall be also appointed by the Lord Chancellor, and shall hold their Offices during his Pleasure ; and upon any Vacancy occurring in the Office of. any Assistant Registrar, .Examiner of Title, or Clerk, the Lord Chancellor may appoint another Person in his Place: The Messengers and Servants shall be appointed by the Registrar, and shall hold their Office during the Pleasure of the Registrar; and all such Assistant Registrars, Clerks, Messengers, and Servants shall, in the Execution of their Duties, conform to such Regulations as may be issued by the Registrar.
111Salaries of Officers.
There shall be paid out of Monies to be provided by Parliament,
To the Registrar a Salary of Two thousand five hundred Pounds a Year:
To the Assistant Registrars, Clerks, Messengers, and Servants, such Salary as the Lord Chancellor, with the Consent of the Commissioners of the Treasury, shall determine :
All incidental Expenses of carrying this Act into effect.
112Retiring Pension of Registrar.
Her Majesty may, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, grant to any Registrar, after a Service of Twenty Years if he shall have then attained the Age of Sixty Years, or in the event of his being disabled by permanent Infirmity from the Performance of the Duties of his Office, a Pension by way of Annuity not exceeding Two Thirds of his Salary to continue during his Life.
113Superannuation of Officers other than Registrar.
The Lord Chancellor may, with the Consent of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, order to be paid to any Officer or Person employed in the Registry Office, other than the Registrar and Examiners of Title, who is disabled by permanent Infirmity from the Performance of the Duties of his Office, or who has attained the Age of Sixty Years, and has served in the Registry Office for Twenty Years, and is desirous of resigning, such Superannuation Allowance as is authorized with respect to Persons in the permanent Civil Service of the State by "The Superannuation Act, 1859."