
PART IVGeneral Provisions to facilitate Registration

Penalty on Fraud, &c

105Person making false Statement guilty of Misdemeanor.

If in any Proceeding to obtain the Registration of any Land, or any Land Certificate or Certificate of Title, or otherwise in any Transaction relating to Land which is or is proposed to be put upon the Registry, any Person acting either as Principal or Agent shall, knowingly and with Intent to deceive, make or assist or join in or be privy to the making of any material false Statement or Representation, or suppress, conceal, or assist or join in or be privy to the suppressing, withholding, or concealing from any Judge, or the Registrar, or any Person employed by or assisting the Registrar, any material Document, Fact, or Matter of Information, every Person so acting shall be deemed to be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and on Conviction shall be liable to be imprisoned for a Term not exceeding Three Years, and either with or without Hard Labour, or to be fined such Sum as the Court by which he is convicted shall award: The Act or Thing done or obtained by means of such Fraud or Falsehood shall be null and void to all Intents and Purposes, except as against a Purchaser for valuable Consideration without Notice.

106As to Persons aggrieved by Proceeding, &c. for any Act declared a Misdemeanor.

No Proceeding or Conviction for any Act hereby declared to be a Misdemeanor shall affect any Remedy which any Person aggrieved by such Act may be entitled to, either at Law or in Equity, against the Person who has committed such Act.

107Answers to Bills, Questions, &c. not admissible in Evidence.

Nothing in this Act contained shall entitle any Person to refuse to make a complete Discovery by Answer to any Bill in Equity, or to answer any Question or Interrogatory in any Civil Proceeding, in any Court of Law or Equity, or in the Court of Bankruptcy; but no Answer to any such Bill, Question, or Interrogatory shall be admissible in Evidence against such Person in any Criminal Proceeding.