SCHEDULE to which this Act refers.

Form of Grant for a limited Period in consideration of an annual Sum of Money.

To all to whom, &c. [as in the previous Form, inserting the Titles of the Possessor for the Time being of the Duchy of Cornwall, as previously directed]. Now these Presents witness that [here insert the short descriptive Title of such Possessor], under the Authority of “The Duchy of Cornwall Management Act, 1863,” in consideration of the Rent and Covenants herein-after reserved and contained, doth hereby grant unto all [here describe the Property, adding the general Words applicable thereto and any Exception or Reservation as previously directed], to hold the Premises hereby granted unto the said his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, [or Successors and Assigns, as the Case may be,] for the Term of Years from the Day of , yielding and paying therefor during the said Term unto the Personage for the Time being entitled to the Revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall the clear annual Sum of free from all Deductions whatsoever, the same to be paid into the Hands of the Receiver General for the Time being of the Duchy of Cornwall or his Deputy in equal Sums half-yearly on the Day of and the Day of in every Year, the first of such a half-yearly Payments to be made on the Day of next [insert the Particulars of any Restriction or Condition, and add a Covenant for Payment, as directed in the previous Form, with such Alteration and such other Covenants as the Circumstances of the Case may require]. In witness whereof to these Presents the Seal of the Duchy of Cornwall hath been duly affixed and set, and the hath affixed his Seal and subscribed his Name.