34 Power to appoint a Person to enter into Contracts.

It shall be lawful for the Duke of Cornwall at any Time and from Time to Time, by Sign Manual Warrant or otherwise, to nominate and depute any Person to enter into and make any Contract or Agreement touching or concerning any Matter or Thing to be done under the Authority of this Act F1or the Duchy of Cornwall Management Act 1982, but the Party claiming as against the Duke of Cornwall under any Contract or Agreement relating to the Possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall shall only be entitled to enforce in Equity by Suit against the Keeper of the Records of the said Duchy a specific Performance of such Contract or Agreement, and the Duke of Cornwall shall not be personally liable to any Action, Suit, or other Proceeding in consequence thereof, or touching or concerning any other Matter or Thing done or purporting to be done under the Authority of this Act F1or the Duchy of Cornwall Management Act 1982, or for any Omission or otherwise, and the Keeper of the Records of the said Duchy shall be indemnified out of the Revenues of the said Duchy against the Costs, Expenses, and Losses of and attending or incurred by any Suit against him as aforesaid.