Duchy of Cornwall Management Act 1863

9 Power to grant Annuities in lieu of Estates surrendered.U.K.

It shall be lawful for the Duke of Cornwall from Time to Time, on the Extinguishment, by Surrender or otherwise, of any Leasehold, Copyhold, Customary, or other outstanding Interest in any of the Possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall, to give and grant to the Lessee or other Person entitled to the Estate or Interest so to be extinguished, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, an Annuity or yearly Sum of Money, to be payable during the Period for which the Estate or Interest, if not so extinguished, would have continued, or for such other Period as to the Duke of Cornwall shall appear expedient, and to be issuing out of and chargeable upon the Possessions in which such Estate or Interest shall have existed, and the Deed for carrying such Arrangement into effect shall be under the Seal of the Duchy of Cornwall, and may be in the Form for that Purpose contained in the Schedule annexed to this Act, or in any other Form which shall be more convenient; and the Grantee of such Annuity or yearly Sum, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, shall have and may exercise the same Remedies for recovering and enforcing Payment thereof by Distress and Entry upon the Hereditaments to be charged therewith as if it had been a Rent Service reserved upon a common Demise of the same Hereditaments; but no Right of Action or Suit against the Duke of Cornwall shall accrue to any Person in consequence of the Nonpayment of any such Annuity or yearly Sum.