(Proper Heading.) I, A.B., &c., in pursuance of “The Improvement of Land Act, 1864,” hereby, in consideration of [state the Consideration], assign to C.D., of, &c., his executors, administrators, and assigns the charge of the sum of £ and interest at the rate of, &c. [or the charge of, &c., as the case may be], which by virtue of the absolute order, No. [ ], executed by the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, and dated, &c., is an absolute charge on the inheritance of the lands mentioned in the schedule hereto, and all the powers, authorities, rights, and remedies of with reference to such charge. [Here add such clauses and provisions, if any, as are agreed on between the parties.] As witness, &c., this day of (L.S.)
Name, &c, of Lands | Landowner | Occupier | Parish | County |